Everyone, Would you pray:
– our health, several of us, including little Cyrus, are fighting a nose and throat something – healing for my consultant mentor, Teryl – she was in a car accident this week and spent several days in the hospital with several broken bones in her torso. She’s in the home they just moved into the day before the accident now – with basically no furniture etc… She will be out for 6-8 weeks, pray for her healing and for the plans for the trip we were supposed to take to Nigeria in July to train pastors and others in translation checking. – that a pastor from Chad would get approved for a US visa (third try) for a trip to planning meetings for the work in the region (next week) – for some Afghan Christians who had fled to Pakistan and whose visas have expired – that the police wouldn’t send them back – for the Sudanese teams ability to translate and spread the Word even during the current war