2024 in review: ** 2024 ———————————————————— Thank you for all the ways you’ve been involved in our ministry with those who want the Bible in their own language this year. Here’s a quick recap of the major ministry and family milestones of the year. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a great start… Continue reading Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Giving Thanks, Liberia update
Consider a year-end gift to our Wycliffe Ministry! (abidinginhesed.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=db546fcb26a533fdfc86dbb4a&id=026f645794&e=aea6dceb05) ** Thanksgiving ———————————————————— In our house, we get a white pumpkin at the beginning of November and each evening after dinner we write what we are thankful for on it. At Thanksgiving we read it off. This year, one of the things that I’d like to… Continue reading Giving Thanks, Liberia update
Flight going
Thank you for praying, we were two hours late and deplaned when I sent the message, and within 5 minutes we were told the paperwork was fixed and now we’re about to back up and take off. I had a 6 hour lay over so should be good. God works quickly. 🙂 ============================================== Unsubscribe aimautopostnxjrmbbgzxamhr7g@zoho.com… Continue reading Flight going
Flight delays
If you see this Saturday afternoon/evening please pray they get the maintenance paperwork straightened out for this plane so Benjamin can get to DC for his international flight. ============================================== Unsubscribe aimautopostnxjrmbbgzxamhr7g@zoho.com from this list: abidinginhesed.us5.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=db546fcb26a533fdfc86dbb4a&id=a17cc1a5a7&t=b&e=aea6dceb05&c=995ba344db
Meetings, Training prep
This week unfoldingWord is having virtual meetings to help us all stay on the same page and focused on our mission. Pray for these to be fruitful for our continuing work. On the Wycliffe side, we’re trying to wrap up training planning for next week’s workshop in Liberia. Please pray for what will be a… Continue reading Meetings, Training prep
Workshop prep and logistics
In early November, Benjamin will be going to Liberia to train a “college of pastors” on checking the translations they are overseeing in 14 languages there. Please pray for: – All those involved in planning the training, that the trainers would be prepared with just what the pastors need and be able to deliver it… Continue reading Workshop prep and logistics
Benjamin Wright, Translation Consultant
Finally made it! Last Friday a board met to review everything and affirmed that I had demonstrated all the necessary competencies and I am now certified as a Bible Translation Consultant. Hooray! Thank you for all your support over the last four years as I’ve worked towards this. There were a lot of things that… Continue reading Benjamin Wright, Translation Consultant