Over the last few years, we have had plenty of reasons to say, “Lord, why now?” In many of those cases, we have been able to look back and see that the timing was the best it could have been. He has been teaching us to trust his providence,… Continue reading The Lord’s Timing
Wrights’ prayers for 06/13/2020
Everyone, Would you pray: – for a fruitful church presentation Sunday (June 14) and good weather as it’s outside – that we’d be able to make more appointments to share about our ministry and that we’d be fully funded very soon – for Benjamin’s mom’s health and comfort Please praise God that: – Benjamin’s had… Continue reading Wrights’ prayers for 06/13/2020
Quick progress update!
How close are we to our goal? Come hang out with us (by video)!<!– The Lord’s been at work answering our prayers through your generosity. 12 people have partnered with our Wycliffe ministry since the last time we wrote! Thank you for your partnership, your prayers, and your encouragement. That means we only need $1517… Continue reading Quick progress update!
Thank you all for praying about Benjamin’s interview Friday. He’s been accepted to the Wycliffe’s Translation Consultant training program! Praise the Lord for this opportunity to train for an important new role (while also working with unfoldingWord to create resources to help equip church-based translation teams)! Please continue to pray for us to… Continue reading Accepted!
A long trip, a long stay at home
Settling in for a while…<!– Since June 2017, we’ve lived in 10 places. Peregrine is one year old and he’s lived in four different houses. We’ve moved around. But now we are approved to stay at the missionary housing location where we’re currently living until the end of June 2021! We are very thankful for… Continue reading A long trip, a long stay at home
Protected: Wrights’ prayers for 04/16/2020
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Protected: Wrights’ prayers for 03/26/2020
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