An update on the Nigeria checking session<!– Translation in Nigeria In Genesis 1 and 6-9 there’s a category of animals, variously translated into English as “creeping things,” “crawling things,” “creatures that move along the ground,” “small animals that scurry along the ground,” and etc. As we discussed how to translate this term we came across… Continue reading What is a creeping thing?
Wrights’ prayers for 10/31/2022
Everyone, Would you pray: That we’d make our connections. We’re about an hour late out of Nigeria, should have plenty of time but still. Mostly, PRAISE: – the read through, recording, app building, and installing went well. The translators were extremely happy to take home the scriptures they’d been working on and we heard Pancin… Continue reading Wrights’ prayers for 10/31/2022
Wrights’ prayers for 10/28/2022
Everyone, Would you pray: – that peace and safety would prevail. While the US State Dept never encourages people to come to Nigeria, over the last few days they have issued intensifying warnings about terrorism that long-term Americans here say is out of the ordinary. Yesterday they mandated the evacuation of embassy families from Abuja… Continue reading Wrights’ prayers for 10/28/2022
Wrights’ prayers for 10/22/2022
Everyone, Would you pray: – for tomorrow’s (Saturday 10/22) gathering. 20-50 pastors, deacons, and other Christians will be coming to us to try to learn about how a community can check their own Bible translation. We will be giving some brief training and then splitting into groups to search through an intentionally error-filled translation of… Continue reading Wrights’ prayers for 10/22/2022
Wrights’ prayers for 10/18/2022
Everyone, Would you pray: We could check the whole book of Genesis. Remember how we were checking Genesis 1-9? I don’t either… :=) We got started the first morning and the local team got looking around and thinking. We have 6-7 translators, 6 consultants in training (CiTs), and two consultants… Let’s split into two teams.… Continue reading Wrights’ prayers for 10/18/2022
Pray for airport paperwork
I’m headed to the airport now (10:30 central) and would appreciate prayers that all the paperwork would be accepted here (and at every leg). Thank you Benjamin
We didn’t get our visas
but we’re going anyway<!– Benjamin leaves for Nigeria tomorrow. We shared through our prayer update list (sign up here) recently that the Nigerian embassies worldwide (at least in the three countries we’re coming from for this trip) were out of the visa stamps we needed. They have yet to arrive, so we’re using the alternate… Continue reading We didn’t get our visas