Everyone, Would you pray:
– that peace and safety would prevail. While the US State Dept never encourages people to come to Nigeria, over the last few days they have issued intensifying warnings about terrorism that long-term Americans here say is out of the ordinary. Yesterday they mandated the evacuation of embassy families from Abuja and do not recommend travel to Abuja. However, Sunday we are supposed to travel from Jos to the Abuja airport to leave the country. Please pray for peace here in Nigeria, and for wisdom and safe travels for us. We have explored alternate plans and nothing makes quite so much sense as sticking to the existing plan.
– that the last day of the workshop would be very productive. We have checked Gen 1-12, 24-25, 39-40. As you can see, we certainly didn’t do the whole book, but our goal for today is to get 1-11 completely ironed out and harmonized (three teams worked on the chapters), record someone reading it, get that all packaged into an app, and get the app onto their phones so they can all take home Genesis 1-11. We did not get as far as we would have liked in harmonizing and reading through 1-11 yesterday so getting to the audio part is really looking like a stretch goal. Pray for swift sailing!
I am praying for you, your family, and your team. May God place a blanket of protection over you as you travel. May He give you remarkable wisdom, clarity of thought, speed and ability as you work on this app. May souls be saved and blessed by the hearing of the Word.