On Change and Constancy, a New Year’s Reflection

There have been so many changes in this year, many of them good, but changes nonetheless. Some days it can be a little overwhelming. Some days, as I watch people once central to my life become more distant, it is sad. Some days it is only wonderful. But the more years I have, the more I realize that change is an inescapable part of life. Even families, perhaps the most constant things in our lives, change over time—children grow up and leave home, people scatter, relationships shift, traditions become harder and harder to keep up, until eventually new traditions are formed. Change is often slow, but inevitable. It is now the time of year to celebrate change, following so closely on the heels of the holiday that is perhaps the time when change is most keenly felt for many, and I find myself wanting more to celebrate the constancy of God in the face of relentless change. He is our foundation because he is the only thing we have that is never-changing. His solidity allows us to step into this new year, and all the days, months, and years to come, with the absolute knowledge that one thing never changes—our Creator, full of steadfast, enduring love.

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