Easy E-mail Encryption

For those seeking to work on their tin-foil hat I’d like to recommend an extremely easy way to keep cyber crooks, the [insert your government’s eSpy agency here], or Google from reading your emails. Simply go to mailvelope.com and follow the documentation to set up the Mailvelope plugin. The process basically involves creating your own key pair (use a good, long password!) and then getting other people’s public keys from them so you can encrypt your e-mails to them. The rest is a smooth integration with your webmail. Be sure to send us your public keys. šŸ™‚

(A key pair works like so: you write your message and zap it through my public key, my public key turns your message into gobbledygook that only I can read when I zap it through my private key (and enter my password).)

Here’s ours so you can e-mail us without having your every thought analyzed for marketing or stored away to be used against you in court for breaking some new anti-terror law that says you can’t useĀ the word ‘is’ because that would be promoting IS. But it’ll be passed so we can be safer.

So just download or copy/paste these and import to Mailvelope.

Download for Benjamin Download for Shanna

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