Not 30 minutes after we got home with Mira, my neighbor (who didn’t know yet) brought by some of his father-in-law’s awesome homemade wine – so we celebrated with a little glass & toast. Then his family came to see & we found out that their daughter’s birthday is also “Big Saturday” (day before Eastern Easter).

Benjamin: Awkward! The doctor we didn’t want to use for delivery just showed up in our room at the other clinic.

Benjamin: Good news, I already have a shotgun & cleaning kit, bad news, they’re in America. More info at

Singing the Psalms

I don’t know when, but sometime in the last few years singing the Psalms has become much more important to me. Maybe it’s because, while there are good Christian songs being written, so much of what passes for worship/praise music is incredibly shallow, maybe it’s because I want to express all that the Psalms express.… Continue reading Singing the Psalms

Categorized as music

Benjamin: It’s annoying to have your internet cut off over $0.15 (esp since they don’t communicate well), but it’s smart that they allow you access to internet banking so you can pay

Shanna: Cultural differences: It’s completely acceptable to run by your neighbors apartment at 10pm. And their kids are still up.

A higher love

Возлюбить (vahz-lyoo-beet). We learned this word in Russian the other day, and at first I was quite confused. The definition given was “to love,” but we already knew the verb “to love.” It’s just любить (lyoo-beet). How was this word different? Our teacher explained that this is a bigger love, a greater love, the love… Continue reading A higher love

Categorized as pondering

Through the windows

A few views from our apartment, mostly while it was snowing. Unfortunately you could see the snow best in front of the not-so-aesthetically-pleasing buildings, and I was locked in battle with a terrible cold monster (*sniffle*), so I didn’t go outside to find a better spot. Not that our building is aesthetically pleasing either… And… Continue reading Through the windows

Categorized as photos